River School of the Bible
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Soul winning is not a program; it is a passion. Soul winning is not an event; it is a lifestyle. Souls are the currency of Eternity.
The Great Commission of Jesus is for each Christian to go into all the World and to preach the Gospel to every creature. This class will teach students the heart of Jesus and to fulfill his command to win the lost at any cost, providing practical tools and steps to win souls for Jesus!
Proverbs 11:30b... He who wins souls is wise.

Do you ever feel like your prayers are not being effective? Many believers need to revisit the foundations of prayer. Prayer is essential to having a thriving relationship with God. This course will help you develop an effective prayer life, which will effect every area in your life.

The Holy Spirit 2 will give you a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit on a ministry level. You will be learning about the gifts of the spirit and the anointing and how they operate in the body of Christ.

The scripture teaches us the just shall live by faith. This course will provide you with the foundations necessary to live a victorious, faith-filled life.

The Anointing is the Touch of God.

The goal is to gain a better understanding of what it means to be the “Righteousness of Christ” and to live a righteousness-minded life. This will be accomplished by looking with fresh eyes at the Apostle Paul’s letters to the Romans and Galatians. Paul interpreted and ministered through the lenses of a life-changing Damascus Road God-collision with the Risen Christ. The death and power of a resurrected, crucified Christ is not only central to Paul’s teachings but also is key to living a victorious crucified Christian life.

Healing is a fundamental right for a child of God. This course will teach you truths found in the word of God in regards to health. Applying these principles to your life will transform your body and mind.

8) My Road Map- The Word
9) My Absolutes

The Blood Covenant is a foundational doctrine that is imperative for every believer to understand. It is the basis from which we understand our covenant relationship with God and its rights and privileges.

The book of Acts is a reflection on how the body of Christ should function today. You will also be studying the life of Paul and his ministry. This course goes deep into the book of Acts to bring each student to a greater comprehension.

In this course we are going to spend some time becoming acquainted with the principle of the double. God is the one who always brings us increase. We are designed to bring forth fruit. God has placed his Spirit within us, and this is a never ending well that springs forth from us. We are watered by the water of the Word.

11) My Crowns
12) My Joy

"Keep your heart with all diligence" When it comes to the heart of man, the Bible has much to say. While many tend to dwell on the issues that can be seen, the Word emphasizes the importance of our own hearts, and what is hidden therein. No matter what you are dealing with, it all comes back to the heart.
In this course, taken from her sessions at The River Bible Institute, Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne concentrates on the heart of man and the work God wants to do there. With clear, practical and anointed teaching, she will help you...
• Tell the difference between your heart and your flesh
• Strip away the layers and barriers that may have hidden your heart
• Allow God into every room of your heart
• Heal the hurts and remove the fears that you carry within you
You can change the things on the outside, but until you have had a change of heart, there is no change at all.

This course has been developed from the notes and audio tapes by Dr .Adonica Howard-Browne. The purpose of this Learner's Guide is to assist the RSB learner in developing a proper understanding of the subject at hand. It is not a comprehensive evaluation of the subject and therefore should not be used on its own, but serves as a guideline to be used together with classroom instruction or in conjunction with the required reading material. The Learner's Guide is for the use of RSB learners only and should not be copied, given, loaned, or sold to anyone else.
The material has been presented and stored in its current format for use of River School of the Bible. This material may not be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, without the prior written permission, nor be otherwise circulated in any form or binding or cover. A sincere attempt has been made to acknowledge different authors. However, if any omission of acknowledgment has occurred, RSB will gladly rectify the matter in future editions.
As God’s Word is taught, the student will learn how submission and authority applies to daily life. This course will provide the student with a foundation for faith in personal life and equip with truths that will carry the student through ministry in regard to submission and authority.
Developed by Dr. Michael Landsman; © Revival Ministries International, 2021

In this course we are going to take a good, long and hard look at some of the practices that are going on today in the Body of Christ. We will look at the real versus the imitation. We will look at the reality that God gives mankind gifts, but it is left to the individual who has received the gift to use it ethically and responsibly.
The impartation of the gifts, while given freely and by grace, come with an awesome responsibility. They were bought and purchased by the Blood of Christ, and are therefore priceless and holy things. They are not to be used frivolously, or in a flippant, carefree manner.
They are holy and must be treated as such. The purpose of the gifts, both the ministries and Gifts of the Spirit, are for a specific purpose. This purpose is for the building up and helping to mature the saints. They are given to help spiritual and mental growth, for the benefit of the individual in need; and the Body of Christ as a whole.
The use of the gifts given for personal gain, makes the user nothing less than a prostitute; one who uses the God given gift for personal profit. It is like they have become a soothsayer of false prophecy. If you use the gift for personal attention or gain, you are engaging in merchandising and trafficking the gift (the anointing).

The cry in the heart of every believer is to know how to hear the voice of God. It is the purpose of this course to bring you a greater understanding of how you can hear God’s voice. We will look into the various ways God speaks to us and realize that as His sheep, we know His voice and the voice of a stranger we will not follow.

The Other Side of the Supernatural

This course is designed to strengthen and enhance your marriage and your family. It has been
created for use as part of the River School of the Bible Online Correspondence Bible School
used as a part of their program. This material has been compiled and presented for use as part
of this program and is for the express use of our registered students. It is part of a comprehensive
curriculum and designed to be used in conjunction with that program

This course will give you a basic understanding of the New Testament. It will take you from the Gospel of Matthew to the book of Revelation.

The Unshakable Church is a course designed to refresh the learner’s knowledge concerning the Foundational Rocks that the church is built upon. Jesus is the foundational stone, the cornerstone that the entire body is built upon.
The course follows a progression of the underpinnings of the church which is the body of Him that fills all in all. It is through the church that the world is exposed to God’s redemption plan and are able to become partakers of His divine nature.
Remember to take all the time you need to read through all the notes, look up the scriptures, do all the required reading, and watch all the videos embedded in the course.
This material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As Pastor Rodney like to say;” the material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner.
This course is compiled for the use through RSB and any other arm of Revival Ministries International.
@Revival Ministries International 2022

This course outlines the basic doctrines of the church. It deals with the fundamental doctrines that every believer should know.

In this course we will be looking at the Gift of Faith. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne has made the statement that for him the Gift of Faith is the most important gift and has undergirded all that he does. The Gift of Faith is not the same as the faith that God gives to everyone. This faith is measurable and can be increased.
Hebrews 11:1 AMPC
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

The supernatural ministry of Jesus should help equip the learner to understand and see how it applies to their own life and ministry. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, therefore any proclamation of it should be accompanied with signs and wonders to follow the biblical pattern.

This course is designed to strengthen you and encourage you in the perilous times we live in. This will aide you in shoring up your foundation and help you to remain unmovable in the times of storms, test and trials. The World is facing unpresented perilous times. The Church stands at the crossroads and is the bastion against this onslaught of the evil one.
It is in times like these that the Church has to make a stand and push back against all that the enemy would try to do to negate the Word of God. The Word of God in unchangeable and is eternal. It does not change in its meaning according to where society may find itself. It is in fact that which will remain steadfast and true. It does not conform to the world, but the world must conform to it.
Make sure you take all the time you need to read through the notes and look up all the scriptures. Also watch the videos embedded in the course and do all the required reading. It is designed to strengthen you resolve in the face of circumstances that may say otherwise.
The material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As Pastor Rodney likes to say, “The material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner.
Compiled for Revival Ministries International by Dr. Michael Landsman
@Revival Ministries International 2022

This course is designed to strengthen and encourage your faith. We are living in unprecedented times. The world is in turmoil and looking at famine, lack, natural disasters and finding no hope. In this time it is the Church who must stand strong and raise us a standard. While the world shouts decrease the Church is experiencing a time of increase.
The Church should be the ones presenting the way of escape through the Gospel. We have the solution and like Isaac we sow in times of famine and we increase 100 fold. Our trust is in the God and His word which does not fail.
In this time, if you will put the Word of God into practice and trust Him you will find that in spite of what is going on around you, increase comes your way. The Word of God is full of power and it prospers and accomplishes what it is set out to do. Our standard and treasure is set by heaven, and we implement it here upon the earth.
Make sure you take all the time you need to read through the notes and look up all the scriptures. Also make sure you watch the videos emended in the course. It is all designed to help you grow, establish you, and to encourage you to act upon the Word.
The material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As pastor Rodney likes to say. “The material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner.
Compiled for Revival Ministries International by Dr. Michael Landsman.
@Revival Ministries International 2022

This course is designed to strengthen you and encourage you in launching out into the deep. The scripture says that deep calls to deep. It is time for us to move from the shore and shallow waters to be not only completely immersed, but to go beyond into the deep and uncharted waters.
We are in a time when every ember must step up and move forward. We need not only those who will serve in the Five-Fold Ministry and in the Helps and Government areas. We also need men and women launch out and created businesses that will fund the End Time Harvest.
It is times for the transfer of wealth for the right purposes and motive. God gives us the power to create wealth to establish his Covenant on the earth. For too long we have been content, but if we are to reach the world it will require each of us to go beyond our comfort zones and go where we have never been before.
God has invested talents and abilities in you, to be a world changer and history maker. This course is designed to help you with the foundation, to be able to launch out into the previously unknown and create a business to fund what needs to be done.
We are in the final hours. The sand is quickly flowing out of the hour glass. The urgency is upon us; it is our time and hours. Do not miss the hour of your visitation. Dream big and trust God to give you vision to see yourself as one who steps out, start that business, and watch God bless it.
Make sure you take all the time you need to read through the notes and look up all the scriptures. Also watch the videos embedded in the course and do all the required reading. It is designed to strengthen you resolve in the face of circumstances that may say otherwise.
The material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As Pastor Rodney likes to say, “The material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner
Compiled for Revival Ministries International by Dr. Michael Landsman
@ Revival Ministries International 2023

This course is designed to strengthen you and encourage you in the times we live in. This course will enable you to understand the principle of a Vow and that the Lord is El Shaddai. He is the unmovable God who keeps his word and honors your vows, regardless of what you see happening around you. The World is facing unprecedented times, but God is El Shaddai, the all-sufficient one; the God who is unchanging and I more than enough.
It is in times like these that you have to make a stand and push back against all that attempts to negate the Word of God. The Word of God in unchangeable and eternal. It does not change in its meaning according to where society may find itself. It is in fact that which will remain steadfast and true. It does not conform to the world, but the world must conform to it.
Make sure you take all the time you need to read through the notes and look up all the scriptures. Also, watch the videos embedded in the course and do all the required reading. It is designed to strengthen your resolve in the face of circumstances that may say otherwise.
The material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As Pastor Rodney likes to say, “The material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner.

The Church must rise up and minster to the World from an overflow. From the 3 ½ years of Jesus' earthly ministry, and from the early Church; they ministered from an overflow of the anointing and presence of God. In the times we are living in, we must minister from an overflow. We cannot afford to just give nice sermons that tickle the ears of the hearers. It is no longer time for dry cleaning types of services. In by 9 and out by 10; with an open song, offertory, a quote from the reader's digest, and the benediction.
The World is faced with real problems and an onslaught of the devil and evil people. Words are not enough, but it requires a demonstration of the Spirit and power of God. The Church was born in the Fire of God, and its ministry was a result of an overflow of this anointing. It was that anointing and presence of God that attracted the people.
This course is designed to help you to understand and minister out from an abundant overflow. God is waiting to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask, think, hope, or desire; according to the power that is at work within you.
God does not change. He upholds all things by the word of his power. Our ministry should be on that same level. It is form an overflow of his life and nature that resides in us. It is what will impact the world; His presence and power should be felt by others through us.
Make sure you take all the time you need to read through the notes and look up all the scriptures. Also, watch the videos embedded in the course and do all the required reading. It is designed to strengthen your resolve in the face of circumstances that may say otherwise.
The material has been produced for the express use of our learners and is used in conjunction with the RSB program. As Pastor Rodney likes to say, “The material is copy written, so copy it right.” It is not to be reproduced for resale or use in an unauthorized manner.
Compiled for Revival Ministries International by Dr. Michael Landsman
@ Revival Ministries international; 2023